Északi Portya, augusztus 8-i helyzetjelentés – Torpparinmäki
Északi Portya, augusztus 8-i helyzetjelentés – Torpparinmäki
Ugy tunik eszaki megprobaltatasaink a vegehez kozelednek. A Normandiai partraszallas megtervezese svedorszagbol nem ment volna. Ilyen merteku egyuttnemmukodest eletemben nem tapasztaltam. Loszallitot keriteni a lehetetlenseggel volt hataros, pedig rengeteget lattunk, es a loszallitassal foglalkozo cegek cimeivel tele van a vilaghalo. A vegen mar arra gyanakodtunk, hogy egy gigantikus reality show szereploi vagyunk. Szemlelteto pelda: bebicikliztunk az ugetopalyara, ott biztosan vannak szallitok. ket lovaszlannyal beszeltunk, hatha ismernek valakit akinek van erre alkalmas jarmuve. nem sajnos nem ismernek senkit. rakerdeztem, hogy ismerik e azt az embert akinek a kocsijat mult heten lattam, itt. amerikai pick up, negylovas futoval.
-A ot ismerem mondta az egyik, o a baratom.
-Esetleg meg tudnad kerdezni vallal-e szallitast?
-Holnap utan gyertek vissza akkor itt lesz.
-Nem ismered veletlenul a telefonszamat?
– De igen
-Fel tudnad hivni?
-Vegul is igen. -es indul elfele
-Akkor legyel kedves hivd fel!
– Ja, jol van.- beszel emberunkkel, aki delutanra eljon, es megbeszeljuk a szallitast.
Vissza Tossebe. Lovaknak megkerjuk a hivatalos allatorvosi vizsgalatot. Az allatorvos kijon masnap, megnezi a lovakat, megadja a papirokat. Marcus a loszallito ertunk jon, es kiderul, hogy Sofiek, a hazigazdaink lovat, o hajtja az ugeton. Viszont csak ugy akarnak innen Tossebol elengedni, ha Stockholmban van hely ahol fogadnak bennunket. hazardirozunk. elindulunk, es utkozben valljuk be Markusnak, hogy talalnunk kell egy helyet. Erdekes modon percek alatt talal nekunk lovardat 30 km-re a fovarostol. Este lepakoljuk a lovakat, es szallast is kapunk. Itt latogat meg minket a katonai attasenk, szamunkra az egyetlen tenylegesen segitseget nyujto ember. Miutan bebizonyosodott, hogy svedorszagbol nem fog sikerulni kijutni, ha a svedekre probalunk szamitani, felveszem a kapcsolatot Moldovani Gyulaval Finnorszagban. O talal egy finn embert aki folyamatosan jar a ket orszag kozott loszallito kamionnal. Ket nap mulva megjon ertunk a kamion, ami felall velunk a kompra es tiz ora hajozas utan partraszallunk Finnorszagban. Miutan itt tiszta lappal indulunk, priusz nelkul sokkal jobban erezzuk magunkat. Lovaink kirobbano eroben vannak. De meg tartalekoljuk az erejuket a hatralevo par ezer kilometerre. jelenleg Helsinki mellett, Torpparinmäkiban egy kisebb magyar kozossegben varjuk, hogy behajozzunk Tallin fele. Karrierunk ismet felfele ivel, tegnap a legismertebb finn lovas magazin riportere volt kint nalunk, majd megismerkedtunk az orszag legismertebb dijugratojaval, este pedig Kristian Nyman vendegei voltunk. Kollegank. O Pekingben volt bortonben, mikor 2006 ban vegiglovagolta Mannerheim utjat, Kashgartol Beijingig.
Northern Raid, sitrep – 8th of august – Torpparinmäki
Our tribulations in the North seem to be finished. We couldn’t manage to disembark in Sweden. I’ve never experienced such non-cooperation. It was almost impossible to find a horse transfer, even we saw many of them and the internet is full of them. At the end we were suspicious that we were taking part in a giant reality show.
An illustrative example:
We cycled into the trotting track, thinking that there must be some transfers there. We talked to 2 stable-girls maybe they know someone, ho have a suitable vehicle. No, unfortunately they don’t know any. I asked them if they know the man whose car I saw there last week. It’s an American pick-up with a trailer for 4 horses.
– Oh, I know him he’s my friend.
– Could you ask him, if he undertakes transferring?
– Come back the day after tomorrow, he’ll be there.
– Don’t you know his phone number by chance?
– I do.
– Could you call him?
– Well, yes. – says she and goes away.
– Call him than, please!
– Oh, okay.
She calls our man, who comes in the afternoon and we discuss the transferring.
Back in Tosse, we ask the vet’s examination for our horses. The vet comes next morning and gives us the papers.
Marcus, our carrier comes, and it turns out that he drives the trotting of or hosts, Sofi’s horses. But they won’t let us out from Tosse, until we find a place to stay in Stockholm.
So we take a risk. We set off and on our way we admit to Marcus, that we need to find a place. Strangely, it takes him just some minutes to find a riding hall for us. We put the horses there in the evening and we get an accommodation as well. Our military attaché, the only one, who really helps us, visits us here.
Being sure that we won’t manage to get out from Sweden reckoning the Swedish, I connect with Gyula Moldovani in Finland. He finds a Finnish man, who continuously rides between the two countries by his horse transfer. 2 days after the transfer comes for us, we get on the ferry and 10 hours later we disembark in Finland.
We fell so much better without a prior. Our horses are in a very good condition, but we save their energy for the remaining thousands of kilometers.
Right now we’re in Torpparinmäki, next to Helsinki waiting for entering to Tallin. We’re on the top of our career. Yesterday we were interviewed by the best known Finnish reporter, than we met the countries’ best known show jumper and in the evening we were the guest of Kristian Nyman. He’s a colleague of us. He was in jail in Beijing in 2006.
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